
IAS Hand Written Notes General studies Paper III(English)


IAS ToppersNotes contains handwritten book covering General studies syllabus for both UPSC Pre & Mains.

Why choose Toppersnote’s  General Studies paper 3?

  1. Collected from top coachings and written by top students.
  2. Covers General Studies syllabus in detail for both Pre & Mains.
  3. Written in clean and readable handwriting.
  4. Brings you onboard with mainstream IAS preparation so that you don’t miss anything.
  5. Saves cost as it delivers the knowledge of toppers and coachings at a small price.

IAS Handwritten Notes- General studies Paper 3 contains 3 volumes having a total of 669 pages.
All the topics for GS Paper 3 are covered in depth like Indian Economy, Government Budgeting, Agriculture, Land Reforms in India, Issues Related to Subsidies & MSP, PDS, Food Processing & Related Industries, Infrastructure, Science & Technology, Disaster Management, Development & Spread Of Extremism, Internal Security Challenges, Various Security Forces, Awareness & Various Fields, etc.
IAS Hand Written Notes General studies Paper III Sample

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IAS Hand Written Notes General Studies Paper III (English) contains handwritten books covering General studies syllabus for both UPSC Pre & Mains.


UPSC is a highly competitive exam and it needs a lot of hard work, knowledge, and skill to crack it. We, at Toppersnotes, understand the need of having the right knowledge for IAS. A lot of IAS aspirants in our survey said that they do not know how to start? & what to study?


We have rigorously thought over the matter and have realized that no one knows it better than those who have prepared and cracked it. The other set of people are coaching institutes. They have been working over the years to master the field of IAS.  We have come up with a product named Toppersnotes for IAS, which is a perfect fusion of experience and hard work of both IAS Rankers and the coaching institutes.  Toppersnotes will surely get you started and give you the best direction for your IAS preparations.

Cost Benefit

Coaching institutes charge a premium for their experience and understanding of the exam. We bring the benefit of both at a very low price.

Path to Success

The notes will do wonder to your preparation if you also do following things. You will need to go through NCERT books which are a good source of vast knowledge and a prominent part of our education system. Join a reputed test series. Go through newspapers and keep yourself updated about everything going around the world.

IAS toppers Handwritten Notes- General studies paper-3 are the result of efforts of various IAS aspirants, teachers, and toppers. Notes contain study material in a very short and concise form and cover the facts and figures which are required for the exam. IAS Notes can serve as a good source of study material for those who are preparing from home and not attending any coaching institute.


IAS Hand Written Notes General studies Paper III(English) has three volumes:-

Volumes 1: Indian Economy, Government Budgeting, Agriculture, Land Reforms in India.

  • Basic concepts of  Indian Economy with details description of both Micro and Macroeconomics.
  • Other sub-points like 5 years plans, Employment, Unemployment, and Poverty
  • Government Budget is a comprehensive exercise in allocating expenditure and planning the sources of financing this expenditure.
  • All the importance of agriculture for plays a very vital role in Indian Economics
  • Land reforms in India covers topics like  Arguments against land reforms,
  • Land reforms measures and Causes of failures of land reforms

2: Internal Security Challenges, Various Security Forces, Science & Technology, Disaster Management, Environment & Ecology

  • International Security Architecture
  • Linkage between Development and Extremism
  • Institutional Framework to tackle Terrorism
  • Cyber Security and Role of media

3: Awareness & Various Fields

  • Information about space technology satellites and shuttle
  • Communication and  Information technology
  • Biotechnology covers all the study related microorganisms
  • All the important topics of Biology like origin of life plants etc
  • Alcoholics Beverages
  • Digestive System and circulatory system and important sense organs for exams


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